Monday, March 29, 2010

Hodge Podge No More

Over the years, I've handcrafted pavers and stones in an effort to hardscape the backyard. I had a mosaic, artsy vision. This weekend, we scrapped that endeavor and moved 6 tons (just the beginning) of 1" San Tan Mirage rock into its place. The yard is like a sea of rock but the possibilities already and suddenly feel endless when compared to the ever waiting pockets of dust and dirt from Friday.

Someone said today in regards to photography but I think is fitting here too: "I have to remember that what I capture is sometimes more important than HOW I'm capturing it." I want the backyard to be a site of relaxation and rejuvenation and if I had to hand make every step of the way, it would *never* be that. Sometimes focusing on the "what" makes everything clearer.