Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The month of November was hopping. With 4 regular shoots and 22 mini shoots, business was booming! I am a tad challenged to stay organized and on top of the work-life balance right now. With the influx of paperwork, phone calls and scheduling details, I'm inundated with information. So far, here's what's working:

Calendars: I use google calendar to coordinate with my family all our plans so we're all on board for whatever's coming up. I print that out every month for the next 4 months and update that as I'm out and about. I do not rely completely on the computer for everything and planning is one thing I've discovered for which I require something tactile. I also have a workbook in which I schedule the tasks for the day, appointments, and the intention I am creating for the day.

A great partnership: Bill has been an amazing source of energy and light as we work together to meet the needs of our family and our growing business. He often cares for the children anyway but weekends are pretty full these days so the demand is a little higher. As the "suit," he also handles all the accounting and fiscal details. As the "creative," I am in charge of production.

What could be working better:

Time: spending quality time with the girls has taken a back seat to business calls, editing and planning. I commit to spending more and better quality time with each child.
Filing: I hate filing so the file basket often has to overflow before I even consider addressing it. I commit to emptying the filing basket every week.

1 comment:

  1. way behind on my blog reads again!

    wow! super proud of how you and your business is taking off! i didnt' doubt that it would. serously would love to "book" you your next time in. we are in need of some serious photos.

    i am forever comitting to getting more organized. perhaps that is the wording i would use for my self...the need to be tactile oriented when planning. i can't go digital for it...it doesn't work for me. it must be a kessler thing:)

    i imagine the new balancing thing is quite a feat.

    oh and love the purge challenge. probably could implemnent a 1000 thing purge around here. lol
