Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1,000 Items

I completed the 1,000 item purge on Dec 31 and it was awesome! I ended by going through the last decade's worth of journals. I sifted through them for their irresistible bits then burned them in a fire. To revisit certain periods of my life was a little burdensome but the final effort was entirely cathartic. The purge was such a rush that I've instituted a new ongoing purge: 50 items/week. The goal for this purge is to keep the flow moving, moving, moving!


  1. Wow, burning journals is brave! But how can you hold onto all the things that went wrong that way? ;-) I'm not sure if I am ready to get rid of journals yet.

  2. Mmm, I love journals. I would think even with how painful some memories could be that you would want to keep those things just to see how much you've grown. But burning bad memories kept in a journal is a way of overcoming them. It sounds very powerful. Good job to you!

